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Talmud Torah Toras Moshe

More than 15 years of educational excellence. 

Our shared priorities

Every child is an entire world.

We serve the English speaking community in Ramat Bet Shemesh by 

by striving to help each child reach their unique potential.

Register your son now!

Our Mission

We do everything that we can to build our students in order that each child reaches his unique potential.

Parents Speak

"I got this feeling of happiness, a feeling that we aren't just going to go through life. We are going to be successful...we can be anyone we want to be.

Shlomo Berman
Former Student

"They have such an insight into chinuch that I've never seen before."

Dr. Efraim Rosenbaum

"Toras Moshe is not just building talmidim, Toras Moshe is building yidden. Its geshmak to be a yid.  ...Rav Eidensohn is somebody that is a bit of a rebbe to all of us." 

Nissim Black

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